SDG 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation

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focuses on universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation and the sustainable management of water resources. As part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, nations commit to monitoring their progress using standardized global indicators. The UAE, through its National Strategy for Water Resource Preservation and the National Innovation Strategy, is committed to advancing water sustainability and innovation in line with SDG 6.

Ajman University (AU) strongly aligns with the principles of SDG 6, focusing on water-related challenges and sustainability. Key initiatives include:

On-Campus Water Management: AU's on-campus facilities include a sewage treatment plant that recycles waste and used water, producing 25,000 gallons of treated water daily, and adhering to pollution control standards. The Reverse Osmosis Plant supplies purified non-drinking water to campus buildings, with a daily production capacity of up to 35,000 gallons.

Water Conservation: AU demonstrates a commitment to water conservation through sensor-activated sinks in the new student community center.

Education and Research: AU provides educational and research opportunities in water-related areas, emphasizing the importance of sustainable freshwater supplies and efficient water management, particularly in arid regions.

Community Engagement: AU collaborates with local communities through outreach programs and educational campaigns, focusing on clean water and sanitation, promoting hygiene practices, and enhancing sanitation infrastructure.

AU's contributions are essential in advancing clean water and sanitation goals, improving water quality, and ensuring access to safe sanitation facilities for communities, both locally and globally.