SDG 3 commits to ensuring healthy lives and well-being for all, with a focus on disease prevention and reducing premature mortality. It emphasizes investments in research, health financing, and risk management. In alignment with its Vision 2021 National Agenda, the UAE aims to establish a world-class healthcare system known for exceptional quality and services. Healthcare in the country is managed by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP), with each Emirate typically having its own health authority.
Ajman University is dedicated to advancing the objectives of SDG 3, which focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all. This commitment is reflected in various initiatives and a multifaceted approach to health and well-being:
Health Promotion and Awareness: AU actively raises awareness about various health aspects, empowering individuals to make informed decisions and take control of their well-being, including providing students and staff with access to mental health support.
Creating a Healthy Environment: AU takes proactive measures to promote health and well-being by regulating smoking and confining it to designated areas within AU campuses. This fosters a healthy environment for all community members.
COVID-19 Response: During the pandemic, AU initiated vital research projects and ensured the health and safety of its community with measures like mask distribution and PCR testing.
Dental Services: AU-CoD dental services provide free dental treatment to all patients, significantly impacting oral health in the region. The AU Mobile Dental Clinic extends its services to diverse segments of society, reflecting AU's commitment to social responsibility.
Physical Fitness and Sports: AU promotes physical fitness with well-equipped gyms and active sports participation, fostering well-being within the university community.
Health Professions Graduates: AU contributes to SDG 3 by producing a significant number of graduates in health professions, preparing skilled healthcare professionals to enhance the overall well-being of communities.
Through these initiatives, Ajman University plays a pivotal role in promoting health and well-being, aligning with the objectives of SDG 3. AU's commitment extends beyond its campus community to the broader society, reflecting its dedication to fostering a culture of health and well-being.